Thursday, February 17, 2011

Politicians: Clueless on technology?

Article link:
By: Tana Piotrowski
·         This article states how politicians and members of government should be more informed about the technology we had today.
·         They are not informed enough about technology and information systems but yet they seem to be spending more money on technology schemes
·         Politicians rely on advisors for information on how to implement their broad intentions
·         Getting them more informed themselves on these topics will be much better for the decisions they make
Effect on Business:
                The major effect this has on business is negative.  Politicians aren’t making their own knowledgeable decisions when spending money.  How would this even make them good politicians if they don’t know exactly what the money is being spent on?  Shouldn’t they be informed on the topics in such matters to make the best possible decisions?  This just makes me question what other issues politicians outsource their information to make decisions.   
Without the proper knowledge of technology and information systems the truth is they aren’t making the best decisions that they could.  Since they need to outsource for their information regarding these topics, it could potentially mean people giving them the information can persuade them with their personal opinions on such matters. 

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