Thursday, March 10, 2011

Interview with Instructional Designer Sue Shick, Lead Engagement and Solution Architect for Second Life, Case Western Reserve University

Article link:

Electric School Boogaloo:
Schooling in Reality and Virtual Reality

                The University of Phoneix’s online presence goes beyond simply distance education over the Web, but a full-fledged university campus in virtual reality. A teacher and designer from the University of Phoenix talks about their campus in the Second Life environment, what they do, and what they intend to do.
                The Internet has vastly expanded our ability to find and access information, be it personal or business. We live in an age where we no longer have to see the Internet as a novelty, even though there are novelties aplenty on the Net.  One of these novelties are Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) environments, and the term is usually linked to video games like Modern Warfare or World of Warcraft, where a large population of computer users are gathered together. It's a rich environment, and games are one common way to bridge anonymous users with one another. 
There's a lot of potential in this technology, of course, and it's already in use in business. However, MMO platforms still a ton of possibilities - even within existing ones.  Distance education has been around for a long time. While the Internet has streamlined and sped up delivery of said education and material, the University of Phoenix had taken a grander approach to this field, turning online schooling into an actual online school. Literally.
 In the virtual reality of Second Life, a 3D MMO (mostly) user-created environment, the University of Phoenix has had a virtual campus for a few years now. Using the Second Life environment it is possible to walk a virtual campus, interact with virtual exhibits, view virtual lessons - but the University takes it a lot further, going so far as to include Second Life as part of class labs and holding online classes complete with visual and vocal interaction. The University of Phoenix talks about Second Life and what they do in this article on their website. While the article is fairly recent, it's interesting to mention that tech circles have mentioned (offhand) the University of Phoenix's work in Second Life some time before its official mention of starting in 2007. 
The University of Phoenix isn't the only organization to do their business in Second Life's virtual reality; there have been articles of concerts being held and other corporate names having virtual branches in Second Life. The potential of virtual reality is definitely staggering, and this article has only touched on one way things can be done in the near future.

 By: Roddy Chung

Google takes position in tourism by offering ITA Software

Article link:
By: Stephanie Mayes
·         Google spent 700 million dollars for a software company specializing in travel agents and airlines
·         The company, ITA, began in 1996 by computer scientists from MIT. It has about 500 employees
·         Google’s goal is to reduce frustration for people finding the right flight at the right price
·         Google’s goal is customize software used by ITA QPX U.S. Airways, Continental Airlines, Kayak, Orbitz, and to incorporate Microsoft’s search engine
·         Google’s competition is Expedia, FareCompare, Hotwire, and Bing Travel
·         The database on air fares and customers (airlines, travel agents, specialist) is very comprehensive
·         ITA Software is very innovative, high performance and developed by experts in the sector

Impact on business:
                Database Software is relevant in all industries, not just accounting! It is a foundation tool to generate business and compete strongly. Knowledge of database information systems is transferable to many industries. Google’s acquisition can have many results. Examples are user friendly internet business, error free transactions, and timeliness of up-to-date information. Increased competition will also affect businesses and consumers. This software is very complex. ITA is a team of aviation sector and software scientist; which means, Google’s database will be very efficient, accurate and reliable. Hopefully, this will increase consumer spending on travel.